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Another Public Domain graphic

During pursuit of a quadrangular geometric shape that has a circular border and a rectangular border, each of which can be on outside or inside, with the rectangular shape having only 4 vertices, I found one that works. The circle has 36 points and the rectangle has 4 points. Have fun with those numbers :)

I do not place only the following into the public domain, I place all variations of the 36&4 into public domain.

You can easily download it by either dragging it onto your desktop or by right clicking it and choosing the save option—there are other ways.

It has grown in me so deeply I created a wallpaper that incorporates the posted version to end the frequent mental visualization effect I still had weeks after the discovery.

Have fun with the posted pattern and other variations of 36&4. Use it any way you want so long as you don't attempt to place legal restrictions on use of 36&4 geometric relationships and variations of the pattern whether circle/oval be on outside or inside with rectangle/square on outside. 

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