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Suzuki Firing Order

Spark Plug Wires and Distributor

 '94 4x4 Sidekick with 1.6 L JGDHA engine

Next two pieces of information were quickly found on other websites through a google search.

Upper Block: Cylinder 1 is front and 4 is rear.  |1|2|3|4|

Firing  Order: |1|3|4|2|

The Meat
Distributor: Rotor turns Counter Clockwise, Cylinder 1 goes to topmost spark connection, 3 goes to left, 4 to bottom, and 2 to right.

If you're not sure of this: Turn engine by hand [pull on vbelt] until harmonic balancer timing mark is pointed up into engine block timing marks. Look at rotor. Cylinder 1 is the spark connection rotor points at. Keep in mind that spark comes a slight time after TDC so rotor will not be precisely pointed at connection. This should be as close an indicator as you need.

If you feel a need to check rotation direction: Pull distributor cap, run starter briefly while someone watches rotor movement.

Now for an old school solution to a problem I've seen others scratch their head over: weird misfiring. 

When spark plug wires run parallel and too close to each other the firing wire can cause other wire(s) to also gain a spark charge. This noticeable weirdness doesn't occur if they are separated. Touching and very close proximity, especially with parallel orientation causes problem. I bought additional separators to more fully address this problem. Separators come in varying degrees of bling and, most importantly, specific wire diameter parameter. I bought three [zero bling] 7mm separators for few dollars.

So don't run spark plug wires wrong or you're likely to have weird problem with ignition. I was glad to remember something learned in Auto Shop.


All of this was written for entertainment purposes and I am not liable for any problem you experience. [Why did I post this final line? Think about it.]

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